Monday, March 12, 2012

Memory for Review

I guess it's been a while since I've posted. I'm really busy!!!! So, I'm trying to remember what I did...oh yeah okay so I knew the kids already were pretty familiar with Stand for the Right so we did some review by playing tic-tac-toe. I asked the kids a question about the song and if they answer right, they get to do a X or O. I set up 3 rows of little chairs and I didn't do teams because I don't like what the competition does to the kids sometimes. But, it was still fun because some kids didn't want to get the tictactoe. We sang the song silly ways and played hot and cold. here's the questions. I got this all from sugardoodle of course! :)

So, this recent Sunday, I wanted to come up with a fun way for the kids to pick the songs instead of rolling a dice or an apron. I got a great idea to play Memory. I put 12 pictures on the board turned around of course and if they got a match, we sang the song. I couldn't believe how much the kids LOVED this game. They were really into it. It's a great one for review. I put in a question mark and a picture of jesus for freebies.

2 bees - Stand for the Right
2 children - As a Child of God
2 CTR signs - Choose the Right
2 New Song - Choose the Right Way (I started teaching them the new song)
2 Jesus - Favorite song about Jesus
2 Question - Silly Song

I will definitely use this again!!!

1. What are the words the prophet has for you? Be true

2. Tell me one place that the song says you should stand for right? Work, play, darkness, light

3. Tell me another place the song says you should stand for the right? Work, play, darkness, light

4. Who said, "Stand for the right, even if you stand alone"? Pres. Thomas S. Monson

5. Tell me one thing you can do at school to stand for the right.

6. Tell me one thing you can do at home to stand for the right.

7. Your friends at school say bad words, what can you do to stand for the right?

8. There is a new boy in your class who has special needs. Some kids in your class laugh at him. What can you do to stand for the right?

9. There is a really cool movie your friends want to see, but you know it isn't appropriate. What can you do to stand for the right? 

10. You find a wallet in the store while shopping with your mom. What can you do to stand for the right?

11. Your little sister has taken your toy without asking. What can you do to stand for the right?

12. You are listening to a song and hear a bad word. What can you do to stand for the right?

13. Why should you stand for the right?